HiPerSoft Corporation
HiPerSoft Corporation
Contacts are managed through a very simple interface. Through a series of tabs, you can also access the following information related to your Contacts:
Allows you to manage postal Addresses, Telephone numbers, Fax numbers, Email addresses, and Web Page URLs.
Enter Calendar Events related to a specific Contact which also appear in the main Calendar Module.
Store personal and background information about the Contact, including Date of Birth/Death, Driver’s License number, Social Security number, Birthplace, Language, Gender, Marital Status, Education, and Criminal background.
Displays a list of Cases for which the Contact has a Role Designation (ie., Plaintiff, Defendant, Witness, Attorney, Court, Medical Provider, Etc.) Clicking on the Case Name will hyperlink to the Case Detail Module.
Link Contacts together in this portal. One Contact can be related to many other Contacts. The following Relationships are supported: Aunt, Billing Service, Boyfriend, Brother, Co-Worker, Cousin, Daughter, Father, Former Spouse, Girlfriend, Mother, Sister, Son, Spouse, Uncle, Unspecified.
Document all activities related to any specific Contact. This feature is the same as the File Notes feature for Cases. Notes can be Filtered based upon Activity Code.
One of the components of the Client Trust Accounting module. Please see Trust Accounting for details.
Stores special information for selected “Contact Types” (Court, Expert, Prospect)